
Hey, I’m Jo. I’m here to equip you with the skills, confidence and community to do meaningful work.

I created Make Do Co. for people like you – small business owners, creatives, and purpose-driven entrepreneurs who need to do work that matters (anything else feels soul-destroying, I’ve been there!).

But don’t be daunted by the word purpose – this is more about bringing a playful energy to what makes you feel purposeful, rather than the pressure to become the next overnight success story (spoiler alert: that doesn’t really exist).

You see, in more than a decade as a marketing consultant to small businesses and startups; I’ve learned first hand that clarity comes through the process of creation. I know that the best learning starts with making; and true mastery is only really earned by doing.

I also know that when you have the passion and fire to create something for yourself, no other job will ever come close.

If you’re craving freedom; the chance to create, to contribute and problem solve; and the opportunity to live life on your own terms; you’ve come to the right place. Let’s build this business you imagine!

But before we kick things off, I want you to know a little more about the principles that underpin how I work with you.

You are your best asset

While modern life has you feeling like you’re always behind and never enough; the truth is there’s nothing wrong with you. There’s something wrong with the cultural norms in how we over-value work and underestimate life.

Our time here is too short to miss out on living, and I’m dedicated to challenging those norms and offering a better path forward. The truth is you can achieve impressive results in your work and have a happy life at the same time.

As a Yoga teacher, I’m committed to changing the narrative that hard work and success means burnout and sacrifice. It might be controversial, but I believe working all the time is the laziest thing you can do! The truth is, meaningful results come through a clear strategy, consistency; bursts of intense focus and a commitment to staying the course.

Constant distraction, erratic pivots and chasing the latest big idea, create the impression of hard work; but they won’t ultimately get you the results you need for a long term sustainable business. Physical wellbeing, emotional regulation, commitment, and a healthy relationship to pressure is how we get to high performance.

A livelihood and a life

If you want to be a visionary leader who inspires, a master creator who delights; and a successful business owner who gets impressive results, you must recognise the fact that YOU are your best asset.

Great work starts and ends with your wellbeing — from your emotional intelligence and your ability to process the body’s signals, to your mindset and handling of life’s heavier moments; to your clarity of vision and ability to create. THIS is what sets you apart and makes a purpose-driven business possible.

Because life is short, this is not only about working better, but living better too. As Annie Dillard once said: “How we live our days is, of course, how we live our lives.When you work with me, you get the support of a small business mentor who recognises that your mental health, physical vibrancy and contented happiness are just as important as your career success.

The great news is you don’t have to choose. One supports the other. By investing in yourself, you propel your business forward in ways you cannot yet imagine. While you earn a living that lights you up; you also get to fully live your one precious life.

So how do we get there?


Where I can help

Mastering the technical side of your business or career is only one part of the true challenge of succeeding in your work.

In my role as a small business mentor, I help you in three key areas:

  1. Brand, marketing and business growth: With a background in PR, social media management, content marketing, and graphic design (not to mention being a small business owner myself); I have a wealth of experience to draw on from working with clients like Betterment, AMP, Purpose Conference, Sotheby’s, and Merivale. I work with clients on the strategic and tactical side of growing their business into the grander vision they imagine.
  2. Wellbeing and high performance: I’m changing the narrative that a good founder just works all the time. That’s not how high performance works. When you work with me, you get proven strategies for optimising yourself in a way that only benefits your business.
  3. Personal growth and a philosophical perspective: As a small business owner, you are constantly tested at all levels of purpose, people and profit. My goal is to up-skill your emotional intelligence to deal with the unseen but influential forces of the human experience.

The pillars of wellbeing

My programs are centred around personal growth and up-skilling in all levels of human intelligence including:

  1. Logic: The ability to form effective strategies and make good decisions.
  2. Motivation: Behavioural design to help you create lasting habits and a performance mindset to stay resilient in reaching your goals.
  3. Emotional intelligence: Self awareness, good communication and the ability to master your emotions.
  4. Physicality and interoception: The ability to process the body’s signals and know yourself inside and out.
  5. Gut instinct: Trusting yourself and your innate wisdom.
  6. Creativity: Nurturing your ability to design the future and developing the skills to bring it to life.

Work with me

Through my 1:1 coaching, online programs and one of a kind retreats, you’ll learn to embody your deepest values; grow the very business you dream of, and live a life that’s just right for you.

The best news? You don’t need to hustle for hours on end or become someone else. You just need to tune in to yourself and sharpen your skills to create the life and business you imagine.

I don’t promise miracles and I won’t pretend it is easy. I respect you too much for that. But I can promise you this: If you want to live a life that’s fulfilling to you; if you want to do work that’s meaningful and has impact; and you want to enjoy every ounce of your short life here on earth – this is all entirely possible.

I know because I live it everyday. And I want that for you too.

Sound like something you’d like to implement in your life and work?
Get in touch to see how I may be able to help: johanna@wearemakedo.com.au or +61-481-514-933.

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