Business Coaching

Business Coaching

price: $ 1,099.00

Jo has a real skill for getting to the heart of what matters, while facilitating the work in a very organic and empathetic way. We had the kind of conversation we so often forget to have, and which is crucial for our future development: What do you care about most? How can you align your work, and life, with these values for a healthier, more productive and fulfilled life?
~ Lotta Holmberg, Startup Marketing Advisor
Read more testimonials here.

Business Coaching

Make what the world needs, do work that matters (to you)

Business coaching package | $1099

I created Make Do Co. for people like you – small business owners, creatives, and purpose-driven entrepreneurs who need to do work that matters. It’s my mission to equip you with the skills, confidence and community to do that meaningful work – whatever that looks like for you.

In more than a decade as a marketing consultant to small businesses and startups; and ten years as a Yoga teacher, I advocate for the human being and the business. It’s an unlikely combination but winning formula for a thriving life.

My process

My one-on-one business coaching is completely tailored to your unique situation. As a business coach, my role is to guide you through a structured process to achieve your goals. Before we begin I will develop a brief with you on the key areas you want to see improvement and from that I create a proposal of what we will explore in our sessions.

I will work with you to develop a clear plan with agreed outcomes, establish systems and habits in the specific areas you want improvement, and provide direction and motivation to help you sustain focus. And because this teaching embraces a holistic definition of success, the content covers not just your goals, but also your mental wellbeing, health and genuine happiness.

This coaching package is best suited to:
– Small business owners who believe in purpose alongside profit.
– Ambitious startup creators who value “being” alongside “doing.”
– Creative freelancers who want a thriving business with a balanced life.
– Anyone who values meaning in work.
– “Intrapreneurs” wanting to imbue a purposeful culture in the workplace.
– Anyone wanting to create a life that is full of more nourishment and less depletion.

Where I can help

Mastering the technical side of your business or career is only one part of the true challenge of succeeding in your work. In my role as a small business mentor, I help you in three key areas:

1. Brand, marketing and business growth: With a background in PR, social media management, content marketing, and graphic design (not to mention being a small business owner myself); I have a wealth of experience to draw on from working with clients like Betterment, AMP, Purpose Conference, Sotheby’s, and Merivale. I work with clients on the strategic and tactical side of growing their business into the grander vision they imagine.
2. Wellbeing and high performance: I’m changing the narrative that a good founder just works all the time. That’s not how high performance works. When you work with me, you get proven strategies for optimising yourself in a way that only benefits your business.
3. Personal growth and a philosophical perspective: As a small business owner, you are constantly tested at all levels of purpose, people and profit. My goal is to up-skill your emotional intelligence to deal with the unseen but influential forces of the human experience.

The details

Cost: $1099

Location: Anywhere! We will meet over Zoom.

– 1 x 90-minute introductory session
– 4 x 60-minute coaching sessions
– 5 x rounds of strategic feedback as follow up to our sessions

Focus areas

Career coaching: Gain clarity in your direction, build self-belief and confidence, align your work with your values, create a “multi-passionate” career, establish habits to nurture your soul and support your success, create a balanced and meaningful life, perform at your highest potential.

Leadership coaching: Learn to communicate with empathy, learn the art of mindful leadership, gain assistance in public speaking or speech writing.

Small business mentorship: Overcome overwhelm, establish systems and habits to free up your time, balance business and life. Develop your business vision and goals, build the value of your brand, identify your ideal client and market authentically, establish a positive money mindset, sell in a way that honours your soul, and network naturally.

The pillars of wellbeing

As a Yoga teacher, I’m committed to changing the narrative that hard work and success means burnout and sacrifice. The foundation that underpins everything I do is the belief that you are here to live a good life. The truth is that YOU are your best asset. Your success starts and ends with your wellbeing. My programs are centred around personal growth and up-skilling in all levels of human intelligence including:

1. Logic: The ability to form effective strategies and make good decisions.
2. Motivation: Behavioural design to help you create lasting habits and a performance mindset to stay resilient in reaching your goals.
3. Emotional intelligence: Self awareness, good communication and the ability to master your emotions.
4. Physicality and interoception: The ability to process the body’s signals and know yourself inside and out.
5. Gut instinct: Trusting yourself and your innate wisdom.
6. Creativity: Nurturing your ability to design the future and developing the skills to bring it to life.

The Not-So-Fine Print

The Make Do Co. Coaching Program is a non-refundable investment. I trust you to make a wise and thoughtful decision. To make this process most effective, I ask that the entire package be completed within 12-weeks of our first session. After that you are eligible to book in for single sessions. Thanks for helping to make this a productive and successful undertaking for us both.

The time is now

If the benefits of this program sound appealing to you – say yes! Click the link below to get started, and I will follow up to confirm our first meeting. I look forward to working with you. I am so committed to this work, and confident in the positive impact you will see!