Written by: Johanna Scott
Posted on: September 22, 2015
Posted In: Working

Annie Dillard got it right when she said, how we live our days is, of course, how we live our lives.
Make Do Co. was founded by me, Johanna Scott, in 2015. I collaborate with a wide network of teachers, writers, speakers, and designers to produce our retreats, workshops and events; and bring about our rich library of content.
From the start, Make Do has been about fostering a culture of change makers, a community of people interested in better business and wholehearted living. As this community grows, this list will evolve.
But for now, we can say that “we,” the people of purpose stand by these values:
- Earth care: The Earth is a living, breathing entity. When we treat it as separate to people we create a disastrous disconnect.
- People care: We all share the human experience. If people’s needs are met in compassionate and simple ways, the environment surrounding them will prosper. We want our work to benefit us, and benefit others too.
- Fair share: In times of abundance, we recognise our own limits and want to share our bounty with those who can make better use of it.
- Rewrite the definition of success: We don’t want to get rich; we want a rich way of living.
- Smart design: We look to many holistic philosophies and design processes to inform a way of working that is thoughtful, effective and meaningful. We are open-minded to new ways of working, but sceptical of fads.
- Value the small: Small systems are easier to maintain than big ones, making better use of local resources, producing more sustainable outcomes and avoiding the unimagined negative consequences that can occur when an inappropriate system is scaled up. Also – small and micro-businesses enable entrepreneurial individuals to lead more fulfilling lives, and share their unique perspective with the world.
- Balance energy levels: Life at break neck speed is not sustainable, or desirable. We take the lead of professional musicians, who practice for 90 minutes then break for 20 minutes, and on the days we feel like it, we do nothing. It’s a beautiful balance of productive work, mindful rest, and play.
- Life is for living: Annie Dillard got it right when she said, “how we live our days is, of course, how we live our lives.” There is no such thing as work/life balance, only life.
- Better business: We believe that we can work and live by our values, and that the consequences for a more connected world are enormous. Creating a happier culture at work doesn’t just make you feel good, it makes people more energised, loyal, productive and innovative.
- Being: Everything falls into place when we listen, and feel.
- Making: Big ideas are great – but what will we create? Making and doing is the best way to get present, to be a producer, and not just as a consumer. Creativity is great for the mind and the soul – and others too. All the studies show it, but all you need is to experience it.
- People of Purpose: There’s no need to force change or struggle on your own. There’s a whole web of people doing great things already. Build on their work or be guided by it.
- Meaningful rhetoric: By fighting one dogma, you can unintentionally create another. Let’s not rant about what we are against, but stand by what we are for.
- Stay curious and excited: The human spirit feeds on wander and joy.
- Value science-based evidence and the mysticism of that which can’t be measured: Be hungry to understand how everything works, but laugh at the notion you could ever know everything.
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