About: Johanna Scott

Recent Posts by Johanna Scott

The need to just be has always been “a thing”

We tend to view the need for stillness as a modern day affliction, romanticising the simple ways of the people in our past. But the need to be is not really a new thing. In fact, there are plenty of clues in history that suggest the need to “just be” has always been a thing.

Creators become change makers

It’s the making and doing that gets you closer to your path. Not one big idea, but small bursts of creativity, and small acts of disobedience.

Paula Scher on serious design

Johanna speaks to Paula Scher about serious design, art, her love of New York, and how she walks away from socially recognised measures of success to continue to push the boundaries of design.

The pleasures that are only deepened by knowing

Intuition or intellect. Art or science. Heart or mind. Work or rest. Right brain or left brain. Which is it to be? Well, Like most things and people, the answer is richer than this dichotomy allows.

The solution is in the pollution

There is no waste in nature. Everything is used. So what happens when things become disconnected? Looking at pollution is one way to understand how to reconnect and live better.

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